At least as long as it lasts
What pulled us down yesterday becomes a thing of the past today
Life gives us a second chance
The sun rises again and vapourises our worries with its warmth
But we do need to step out for that to happen
That's where the choice to make our own destiny comes in
We can either choose to stay indoors and keep the shades drawn
Or rush out into the open and take a shot at being happy again
Moving on is the only thing that makes sense to me
'Coz it's always easy to travel light
No excess baggage to pull you back
No burden to drag you down
I'm happy for where I am today
happy for what I do
happy for who I am with
happy for what I have...
I know there is no guarantee that I'll feel this way all my life
But I also know that no matter what I'll never be satisfied with the dark
I'll always seek my place under the sun
I'll always count my blessings
And they will always outweigh my sorrows
Meanwhile, today....
I'm just happy to be