Sunday, July 3, 2011

There's something going on in my head that I can't really lay my finger on. My mind is changing the way it thinks and I can't do anything about it. My perceptions about people around me are changing and I'm changing into someone who is somewhat a stranger to me. Yet I know for sure that this new person is me and that this evolution had to happen sooner or later.
There is this deep desire to try and discover my spirituality. I know it sounds very vague, show-offish and maybe superficial to say this but I can't help it. It is something I want to do. It's a voice that I've known has always dwelled inside me and I've talked to it on numerous's this voice that's calling out to me very frequently and telling me to do certain things while not to do certain others.
I woke up yesterday morning and my first thought of the day was that I want to give up eating non-veg food. Just like that! And there was not a single doubt in my mind that it is just the thing to do. It's like I'm actually receiving messages from somewhere or someone.
Mind's totally dizzy right now...